LINEスタンプ 宛メとは?

なぜ不確実な将来に向かって、生きているのか。I’m wondering why I am here in this planet. Since born as a man

I’m wondering why I am here in this planet.
Since born as a man with disability in my brain, I had experienced many hardships including making friendships with others, bankruptcy of my family when in 15 yrs. ord, and discriminated as a morbid person from public etc.
As for today, I had a blunder on my duty and scolded by my supervisor with fury and about to be fired.

I have no idea why I have to go on living for uncertain and maybe hopeless future.
Sometimes I consider commuting suicide by jumping into the trains, overdosing, or just simply taking off from stool with my neck tied by the rope. That means, I am so tired being as a human with depression and thereby despair , and therefore, I do not want to live anymore.

Only if I can express such the above feeling and thought to my friend or even my family.
However, doing that is not allowed as it is regarded as stupid action by them.

There is no place, no freedom, no right to say in Japanese.
Hence, I have no choice but to write here in English so that describing my voice in myself . (as a matter of fact, I am not good at the language at all)

Hope my fu*kin life end with the soonest as possible.
It may helps to clear my scholarship and my parents can grab some money from insurance company I contract.

Thanks for reading my sentence with ridiculous.


So, first of all, I want to ask you.
You’re Japanese, but don’t want to express your feelings in your native language because you are afraid that someone close to you might read it?

I also often think about committing a suicide, just like you.

You might want to read a book called “13reasons why”. It really expresses my feelings well.

I also have some disabilities in my brain, too. It’s called ADHD and depression. I’m also suspecting HSP, ASP, and LD.

I know that it is a tough time but hang on for a bit! Things will change some day; even if that day is a day away or 30 years away.

Good luck with your life!

P.S do you mind talking with you in English here?
受験。受験生。早いな。もう受験生になるなんて。ダラダラ出来ない。このままじゃいけない 会食恐怖症 一生懸命に仕事をすることはダメなのでしようか? 中学の頃、私はものすごい反抗期だった。大人になった今。今の私は反抗期の息子に悩みながら生きている ひとり言かもしれない。毎日がいやすぎる。毎日が憂鬱。毎日が辛い。毎日が地獄。毎日毎日助けを求めようとする。でも、宛メにいると安心する 結婚できないから死にたい。 小学生のとき給食の時間に先生にいじめられてたのが原因でつい最近会食恐怖症なった 消えたくなる波。死にたい。消えたい。そう毎日毎日思うけど、ただただその日をなんとなく過ごし、結果生きたとする日々。死んだ我が子を思うと、あの子の分まで生きなきゃと頭では思う 生あくびばっかりでる。なんかだるい。誰か元気分けて欲しいー。 なんだか疲れて何もやる気がでない。急になにもやりたくなくなっちゃった。もう何もしたくない。でもなにかしないとこのままじゃだめになる。 人って分からない 子供の発達障害と体の弱さにこっちが疲弊した。鬱と診断された。毎日毎日話の通じない子どもと一緒にいるのがつらい。おまけに病弱で保育園もすぐ休むから1人になれない 煙に巻くな。 こころの辛さ。誰からも必要とされない人生に疲れてしまいました。これまで彼氏はできたことありません。友達はいるけど、みんな結婚して子供ができて人生を楽しんでいるように見えます マジ死んで下さい。マジ死んでほしい親父に。TVに向かって喋ってたら、話しかけられたのかと勘違いして、挙句キレてきたし意味不。



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