LINEスタンプ 宛メとは?

It will be, or it can be the last time I will see him today

It will be, or it can be the last time I will see him today. I probably should make it the last time. The worst thing I could ever do in this situation is to cling on him and he or someone will notice that. In a way, I have done it so that I could help myself gradually come to realize that there's nowhere that I can go with this feeling, and with him, instead of abruptly losing chances to see him, which would have been utterly painful.

Please let this farewell be as a beautiful one as possible. I wanted to have one close contact with him before this departure but I'm not allowed. I want him to see me in a positive light and find me attractive till the end. Next year if I see him, I will be one year older and I would feel worse about my attraction to him. I shouldn’t mind this to be our very last time to see each other.

The gazes he gave me, the intense eye contacts and the physical proximity he made with me, smiles he gave me, they all made my heart leap and they still do. He was drawn to me. When his girlfriend is absent, he is still drawn to me, but there is no way that I can replace his girlfriend. Neither of us are available. I know that, but I still wanted to feel physically and emotionally close to him, temporarily, for once.

I don't want to be a creepy woman who is attached to him while he's no longer interested in me. It’s hardly a good idea for a woman to be a chaser, especially in our case. I mean, even a farewell gift can be considered to be a little risky but I want to pay the debt of my gratitude to him, and it'll be my last time.

I will get myself ready to cry, feel lost, and miss him. It's a part of life. After all, there have been countless feelings like this that have gone unrewarded in this world. Depending on how we use this feeling, its impact on our lives can be entirely different.

If you think about it, being able to like someone, to be attracted to someone is blessing. It lightens up our lives. Yes, it makes sense that someone said that unrewarded love is the one that lasts the longest. Ok, I will prepare for it, because it has happened to me before. It is heart-wrenching, but it's better to be prepared than being caught by surprise again. Hopefully, it will fade away in a relatively short period of time.

What if my feeling to my current partner wasn't rewarded. I could have been in an emotional turmoil, far more painful one. But he chose to stay with me, which I should be forever grateful.

I want to be able to use this feeling to better myself. I will continue exercising, watching my diet and my mind and behaviours. I want to be a desirable woman and human being that he can remember fondly, when I will happen to come to his mind, if ever.

I liked you dearly. I was happy to be around you. I loved the feelings of my heart leap whenever you showed signs of attraction toward me. It flattered me and I loved that feelings. And I appreciated your care for my loved one. Even if it might have been temporary, it still lives in me and that moment tickles my heart. It reminded me what it’s like to have someone who’s attracted to me. It made me feel special. It helped me appreciate myself for who I am.

It’s better to have those moments than it has never happened. I can possibly continue living in that moment, by believing that I am a special, attractive, fun-loving, good hearted person. And because of this, I am forever thankful for you.

Thank you, and good bye.


ななしさん (小瓶主)
今日も午前中から深い喪失感に襲われた。夜、ぼんやりテレビ見てたら鬼滅の刃が始まった。あの人と必ず見てたので一度はチャンネルを変えたけど、やっぱり戻って見てみた。 笑って生きていたかった 男性の私が女性ホルモンを10年以上投与し続けた過程とその結果(ちょっと長いです)。 わたしは、自分の相手で忙しい。他人に構っている余裕はない。いいかげん気付けよ。俺は ちょっと大人な話なんだけど、、私は、今までお付き合いした人いないんだけど、周りは彼氏とか彼女出来たって話で盛り上がってて 部活が終わっちゃう。明日で引退だ。あんなに辞めたかったのに、いざ終わるとなるとやっぱり寂しいなぁ。 人間に生まれたことを後悔しています。 虚しい。会社の税理士が結構な頻度で給与明細やら年末調整を間違えるから、ここおかしいのでは? といい続けて6年目 生理二週間前になると決まって精神異常が起こり出す。今日は頑張って準備したのに軽い鬱症状なのか全部が嫌になって外に出られなくなった。 普通ってなんだろう。人と接してるとき、歩いてるとき、電車乗ってるとき、買い物してるとき、『あ、これいま普通に出来てるかな。普通に振る舞えてるかな』って、ものすごく考えてしまう いまさら? 部活の大会があって私は補欠に選ばれていた。試合はしないだろうと思って 大会に行くことにしたけど、出ることもできると言われて、私は思わず、出たくないと言ってしまって 不公平 感情をコントロールできなくて、学校行きたくない。そして社会と人間が大っ嫌い。 母親むいてない。そもそも自分が生まれてきてしまったのが間違いだった。



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